The process begins with a phone or skype call and a great, in-depth conversation. The end-result? Your visual brand (inspiration board, color palette, logo, business card design, stationery design, even social media integration... the list can go on and on), copy written specifically for you that encompasses the heart upon which your business is based, a CD containing all the digital files you'll need to move forward, even a heavy, matted inspiration board as a reminder of the pieces that brought your brand together. I'm so over-joyed about this new adventure. Emily Ley Creative will officially launch likely in August... but I'm accepting a handful of new clients for the next few weeks.
To gear up for the launch of the ELC site, the ELP site redesign, AND the new ELP blog - I'm offering 15% off ELC branding packages until August 15. Spaces are limited. Interested? Email me for a full packet of info.
To gear up for the launch of the ELC site, the ELP site redesign, AND the new ELP blog - I'm offering 15% off ELC branding packages until August 15. Spaces are limited. Interested? Email me for a full packet of info.
If I were more proud of you, Emily... I would BURST!!! You go girl!
Amazing! This is so awesome!
im thrilled to be a client!!
Thank you guys!! Jenny, so EXCITED to be working with you! Watch out guys, her logo is seriously cute (ifimaysaysomyself)
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