Lately, I've been drawn to blogs about business, social-networking, new-media and fashion. I love story-telling blogs also. And most of all, I love blogs that update frequently and have really great photos. Two keys to succesful blogs, if you ask me. I wanted to share with you a few of my most favorite blogs... the ones I check throughout the day - even when I should be more focused on other things. Cant wait for the unveiling of the "goodpaper" blog in January... mmmm goodness!

A Rockstar in her field, social-media expert and overall joyful person - and from my hometown of Pensacola.

We all know and love SMP, but check out Abby's newest Blog - "Backstage" where she tells the stories behind her business, her day-to-day life and even her history as an invitation designer. Love it.

Not only super good friends of mine, but real innovators in the world of photography. Check out Fusion Media also. If you're getting married, call them. All the cool kids do ;)

A very sweet small business owner whose had great success. Her blog offers great advice and frequent updates on her company.

Super resource for women business owners - not to mention trend-watching.

Another super sweet designer. Her blog tells a great story of a new business growing...

One of the most inspiring stories of a small business owner taking over the world with her lovely artwork. my future child [one day... hold your horses]'s nursery will be decked out in Sarah Jane goodness

For the business side of us creative types - Sean Low is the brainchild behind the success of Preston Bailey. Read him. Follow him.

Love this. Sanity = simplicity for me.

One of my newest favorites. Follow Etsy'ers as they tell their stories of turning their hobbies and dreams into full time jobs. One can dream...
thanks for the links!! I love the etsy quit your day job feature
also check out Modish's Biz Tips
I stumbled across your etsy shop this morning and then decided to check out your blog. I am so happy that I did. I am in the process of trying to launch my own business and get my etsy shop up and running and I have found so much encouragement and inspiration from your blog. I am trying to go through all your posts now and I am definitely adding you to my reader. There just seems like so much to do when starting a new business venture and it can be overwhelming and frustrating and its good to see some of the things I have been experiencing are not just me! Keep up the great work not only with your lovely products but with journaling your adventure along the way.
Deb :: Thanks for that blog link - it's fantastic!
Nicole :: Thanks so much for your sweet comment! I hope this blog is a help to other people starting out the same way I did. I had a lot of help and encouragement from some of the bloggers I linked to - they've been great mentors along the way. Let me know if I can ever help you or answer questions you might have!
Emily - You are so sweet for including my blog in this roundup. Thank you ... I am honored!
Thanks for the offer (it means a lot)and I am definitely going to write you this week. I have set for myself that I want my etsy shop up and running by Dec 1 and I am in the process of setting up my website as well. I want to pick your brain on what were your successes and stumbling blocks when you first started out.
I just stumbled across your site today. Love your posts, especially this one linking to other small business owners. I love the entrepreneurial spirit you have and your work is beautiful. Keep up the good work. Best of luck with Good Paper in 2010!
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